Betsy Palmierihas a great guide to the basics of Copyright Law.As always, look around the other articles in the Carnival after you read these. Tastes differ, and you might find some of the articles interesting that didn't do it for me.
Dan Melson At Searchlight Crusade breaks down FSBO (For Sale By Owner) in Facts Of Life On Buying and Selling ÂWithout an AgentÂ
Free Money Finance shows us the economic impact of getting a college education in Sell College to Your Kids.
Jack Yoest at examines how different cultures interact in business in
Capitalism, Culture and Google.
EarlyRiser explores Index Investing and some new ideas about risk and return, including work by Fama and French (two of the truly "big dogs" in academic finance) in Investment Risk & Indexing.
This Week's Carnival Of The Capitalists
This week's COTC is up at Frugal Underground. As always, there's an incredibly diverse group of offerings this week. However, since I'm a finance guy (and it's my blog), I'll focus on a few that were either more finance/econ related or otherwise just tickled my fancy more than others: