I finally got around to updating my blogroll. Like with most blogs (and my waistline), it seems to grow over time. Here are the latest additions:
My Money Blog - a personal finance blog that contains a lot of helpful tips on savings, credit cards, etc...
All Things Financial is another personal finance blog, but it's run by a fee-based financial planner in Texas. I was in that industry (financial planning) about 20 years back. The fee-based planners have better incentives to give unbiased advice, since they don't get paid on commission.
The Financial Accounting Blog - not updated frequently enough, but usually has interesting stuff with more of an accounting twist.
Inside Sarbanes Oxley - a good example of a blog targeted to a narrow market. It contains links to news, books, discussion boards, and jobs, and all things SOX-related
The Economics Roundtable - has a great aggregator that puts recent posts from over 50 economics blogs on one page.
Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey - a 20-something, soon to graduate libertarian economics student in Washington State.
The Securities Law Blog - Commentary, analysis and news on securities, finance and corporate law.
Check them out. If you have any other suggestions for good finance or econ blogs let me know.
I'm particularly interested in finance-related blogs (particularly by academics).