This Week's Carnival of The Capitalists

This week's COTC is up at A Penny For Your Thoughts. For those with a Finance bent (or is that, "for those who are financially bent"?) there are a couple of outstanding finance pieces in this week's group:

Single vs. Multiple Variable Analysis in Market Forecasts (from The Big Picture) which touches on the whole issue of the talking heads (or investment managers) who argue that simplistic rules can be used to predict either stock market either in the aggregate or for individaul companies.

Hedge Fun Hijinks, (from View From A Height) which discusses some ways that hedge funds may have been manipulating stock prices in the recent MCI/Qwest/Verizon takeover battle

and last but not least, Morningstar's Auction IPO, courtesy of The Conglomerate Blog (a Law Blog out of Marquette).

Of course, if you want non-finance related stuff, there's plenty to see at the various booths of the Carnival.