The Analyst's Accounting Observer is run by a CPA and financial analyst named Jack Ciesielski. In his own words, "The Analyst's Accounting Observer is a research service published by R.G. Associates, Inc., that, simply put, provides "remedial accounting lessons" for institutional investors who should know better". It's not updated all that frequently, but when it is, it's good.All four blogs seem like they're even-handed, informative, and don't have an axe to grind or a product to push. Give them a try and let me know what you think.
Tick Marks is the blog of Dan Meyer, an Accounting Prof in Tennessee. It's mostly on financial accounting and taxation, but occasionally touches on personal finance. I'm a big supporter of Academic blogs, and this one looks pretty good.
The Real Returns is an investment oriented blog. It spends a lot of time on mutual funds, but also touches on real estate and a fairly wide variety of other investment vehicles. Unlike a lot of other investment oriented blogs, he's not pushing products or a trading system.
The Financial Page is a newer blog (it started in mid-August). It describes itself as being mostly about indexing, primarily with Vanguard Funds. However, it also covers a lot of other investing related topics. As a Finance Professor who believes in efficient markets, I'm a big fan of index fund investing, so give it a read.
f you're using an RSS reader, add these to your list. They're worth it. If not, let me recommend Bloglines. I've been using it for a while, and it's easy and usable from any computer with an internet connection without needing any aditional software.