Coyote Blog has some interesting thoughts on the “Payday Loan” industry.As I've said before, look around - my tastes are probably different from yours. That's what makes it interesting.
James Hamilton at Econbrowser discusses the latest GDP figures.
FMF at Free Money Finance gives us Seven Ideas for Maximizing Retirement Savings.Harvey Multani at Fiscal Times presents A quick guide to stock market technical analysis.
Abnormal Returns has a piece on the difficulties of forecasting with regards to investments.Old Niu blogs about Market Index Target Term Securities. For the finance folks among us, their payoff is esseentially the payoff of a portfolio of zero-couppon bonds and a long-term call option on the S&P.
David Porter at Pacesetter Mortgage Blog believes "Stated Income" Mortgage Loans are bad for America. He also shares how Mortgage Pre-Approvals create problems for many Realtors.
Finally, although this is not finance related, BigPictureSmallOffice has some good stories on how people mess up in interviews.
Update 11/1/05: The link to BigPictureSmallOffice was a bad one. It's been fixed.