Harvey from Fiscal Times does a great comparison of index funds, mutual funds, and professional managers.As always, look around. Tastes differ, and these are just the ones that caught my eye this time around.
Steven Silvers give us the ironic post of the week - on the SEC's lack of disclosure.
Continuing with the mutual fund theme, Consumerism Commentary discusses ways to avoid fund fees.
Joshua Sharf looks at the cost of lawsuits. He mentions Thomas Sowell's book Basic Economics (one of my all time favorite Econ books)
Barry from The Big Picture talks about how the internet helps pricing efficiencies. It makes the "cost" of search lower, so people engage in more of it.
This Week's Carnival of The Capitalists
The week's COTC is up at BusinessPundit. Happy 2nd Birthday! Here are my picks for this week: