When I started blogging, I benefitted early on from the generosity of others who highlighted my blog. So, from time to time, I try to "pay it forward" and direct traffic (not much, since I'm a small fry in the blogosphere) to other blogs that are new (or new to me), but might bear worth watching. Here are a few of the latest to hit my radar screen:
World As Seen Through Academic Eyes is a blog run by Arun Khanna, a visiting finance professor at Butler University. He just started blogging in September, and he's written some good papers that are available here on the Social Science Research Network. So, I'm hoping he'll add to the number of worthwhile finance blogs out there. In my view, any finance professor with a blog deserves more traffic, so add him to your feed aggregator.
David Porter at Pacesetter Mortgage. He's a mortgage broker in Michigan, and has been blogging since May. He writes about all things mortgage (and real-estate) related and actually knows what a Yak Shaving Razor is.
Investor Relations Blog is about (you guessed it), investor relations. It provides transcripts of earnings conference calls, but also has short articles about IR related things in the news. It's brand new, but looks interesting.
Give them a try, and if you like them, pass them along to your friends.