Blogs on Securities Litigation, Financial Footnotes, and 10b-5 Filings (from Seeking Alpha)

Here's a post from Seeking Alpha highlighting a Financial Times article from a while back listing some interesting finance-related blogs. Here are some excerpts:

Securities Litigation Watch ( Finding investment returns
largely consists of two tasks, finding value and avoiding corruption. Both are
extremely difficult. Securities Litigation Watch, run by Bruce Carton, executive
director of ISS Securities Class Action Services and a former corporate lawyer,
provides a constant update into the latest scandals and investigations.

Another useful blog that he often links to is run
by Lyle Roberts, lawyer for Wilson Sonsini. And for those CEOs out there, see
his latest entry: "Don't you hate it when your wife ignores your specific
'entreaties' that she not share inside information about your publicly traded
company with her brother, and gets sued by the SEC?"

Footnoted ( This is run by Michelle Leder, author of
Financial Fine Print: uncovering a company's true value, and does what it says -
it reads the footnotes of SEC filings, press releases and so on, and asks the
right questions about what is going on in the fine print. I really like it when
a post starts off: "Does anyone really believe it when a CEO says he wants to
spend more time with his family?" and then goes from there. A great site for
finding either shorting opportunities or at least stocks to avoid.

Click here for the whole article.