Financial Reference tells us why hedging our bets may not be the best long-term strategy in Irked.That's it for this week. As usual, browse around the other entries - you might find something else you like.
Steve Bainbridge give us an Insider trading Exam Question.
Blueprint for Financial Prosperity talks about his experience Buying A Car On Ebay
Seeking Alpha reveals (sorry, couldn't help myself) Playboy's strategy to sell financial content with sex in Can Sex Sell Online Financial Content?. My geuss it that it'll work. I can just imagine guys saying, "honey, I just read it for the stock tips".
Financial Methods discusses biases in index funds in How Index Investing Harms Your Portfolio
Finally, Interested-Participant talks about a bank that operates under Muslim financial principles in Bank Offers Sharia Compliant Services.
This Week's Carnival of The Capitalists
This week's COTC is up at The Social Customer Manifesto. As usual, there are a lot of good pieces to read. Here are my picks of the week (these that either had a finance/econ spin or otherwise tickled my fancy: