SSRN Ranks Business Schools

Here's yet another ranking of business schools. The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) has put together a ranking of business schools (subscription may be required). It's a bit different from other rankings since it focuses entirely on a measure of research output - the total number of downloads of papers written by anyone affiliated with a given school. It has some drawbacks, since not all authors are listed (for instance, I'm not listed at my current school). But, it's still interesting, and ranks the "heavyweights" pretty much in line with what I'd expect (based on the last 12 mon ths' downloads):

  1. Harvard
  2. University of Chicago
  3. University of Pennsylvania
  4. Yale
  5. NYU
  6. MIT
  7. University of Michigan
  8. Columbia
  9. Dartmouth
  10. Rochester
When looking at total downloads (since the inception of SSRN), the results are pretty much the same, with a few minor changes.

Once I change my affiliation to the new Unknown University, they'll inherit all my downloads, which should bump them up a bit (a couple of thousand, since I'm pretty small fry in the larger research world). But, every little bit helps.

HT: Division of Labour