And on Sunday (after church), Unknown Son and I went into my office so I could get a bit of work done. While this went on, Unknown Wife took Unknown Daughter and Unknown In-Laws to visit some other family members (hey, we live in the same general area as family now, so this is a regular occurrence).
With all that, I forgot to put up Saturday's Link Dump. So today you get a double (or even triple, if you count Sunday) dose:
Jack Ciesielski at AAO weblog points toward accounting standards for options volatility assumptions. Be still my nerdy little heart.That's enough for now. I have exams to grade and a quiz to write.
So now, it seems that we have space aliens in the economics classroom. Cool. HT: The Economist's view
Andy Samwick at Vox Baby takes on Krugman taking on options. I've seen Samwick's work, and I side with him.
Greg Mankiw comments on a hole in Harvard's proposed general education requirements - he thinks they should teach a class on markets & society
Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture links to a Youtube piece where Monty Python gives the Stock Market Report tells us that the increased demands from Sarbox is sending directors back to school. So that means more money for Business schools - and that's a good thing.
The NYT online highlights some recent research by Bates, Kahle, and Stulz. It shows that firms are increasingly holding larger cash balances. The main reason? Increased uncertainty in firms' cash flows. For all you members of the pointy-headed academic tribe, this is definitely one for the corporate finance classes.
Joe Carter of Evangelical Outpost provides a historical map of who controlled the Middle East.
Dan Melson at SearchlightCrusade explains What Drives Loan Rates. It's a good as anything I've seen in a textbook. So if you're wondering...
Finally a number of personal finance bloggers have been discussing a CNNMoney piece titled 25 Rules To Grow Rich By. they're actually a compendium of some good, solid personal finance advice.
And if you're new to Financial Rounds, check out the FAQ.