As I mentioned in a previous post, this is exam week. I've given one, and am currently giving a second one as I write.
The exam is an open-book exam for my Advanced Financial Management class. The class is about 70-80% case based, so an open book doesn't help the students as much as they think. But, they like it and I don't have to monitor them that much, so there's more time for blogging and other things during the exam (we have Wi-Fi throughout the college of business building, so access isn't a problem).
Only this exam to grade and one other to write, and it's time for a break. One of our two cars is on the fritz. We plan on ditching it (a story for another day) but won't be replacing it until after the holidays, so we get a pass on traveling north to see the family over the holidays. Instead we'll stay here and host a meal for some of the "orphans" (singles and childless couples without family in the area) from our church. In addition, the Unknown Mother In Law and Unknown Father In Law are coming to visit us after New Year's.
With all this, I'll still get a lot done, which is important since I'll be presenting a paper in January that still has a lot of work to be done before it's finished. As hard as I try, I can never get as much done on the road as I can at home.
That's all for now - time to make a short strafing run around the classroom.