Solitaire Trader shows us How to Watch CNBC
Financial Options tells us about The Week Ahead in Finance and Economics News, with some news about a new housing index that looks pretty interesting
Coyote Blog thinks we should Let GM Die. (or at least that it's o.k. if it happens)
Econbrowser gives us his thoughts on the last few week's economics news in Facing the Latest Economics Data. General advice - when Hamilton writes, it's usually worth a read.
Searchlight Crusade tells about the Three Day Right of Recission in home equity refinancing.
View From A Height has noticed that companies are Awash In Cash, and wonders about the implications.
Abnormal Returns chimes in about the frenetic hunt for alpha.
Political Calculations has yet another calculator application - this one calculates Return on Invested Capital.
The Entrepreneurial Mind shows us how Sarbanes Oxley has far-reaching effects in The Big Chill of SOX Hits Even Small Businesses.
Free Money Finance looks at how the pros keep their funds in Where the Pros Stash Their Own Dough
The Real Returns doesn't think the market is overvalued (or undervalued, for that matter) in S&P 500 Earnings Estimates For 2006.
This Week's Carnival of The Capitalists
This Week's Carnival of the capitalists is up at Techronization. There's a lot this week - here are the finance/econ related ones that caught my eye: