Free Money Finance has some things to do with your year-end bonus.That's all for now, folks. Remember - look around the Carnival when you're done, since your interests might well be different from mine.
JustAnotherBlogger from Just Another Money Blog has some great tips for eating out on the cheap in eat out for the price of the tip. For a small bit of time on the net, it's worth it.
Multiple Mentality tells us about some of the fine print to pay attention to when getting rental car coverage from a credit card. It's only a few bucks, but those dollars add up.
Yiles! Here's a very realistic-looking phishing spam received by nickel at Five Cent Nickel.
Blueprint for Financial Prosperity compiled a list of personal fiannce bloggers' favorite personal finance books.
How does the lengthening of people's lifespan effect insurance premiums? InsureBlog has some answers in Not so fast.
Sitting Pretty! has some great year-end advice.
Sometimes spending wisely is a great way of saving money, says Jeffrey Strain (of Personal Finance Advice) in The Art of Spending.
Canadian Capitalist tells us about some new and innovative exchange traded funds for various types of sector investing
This Week's Carnival of Personal Finance
This week's Carnival of Personal Finance is up at MightyBargainHunter. As usual, here are my picks of the week: