Blueprint For Financial Prosperity talks about year end tax planning in Wash Away Stock Losers With WinnersAt first glance, this carnival looks like a winner. Next week's carnival will be at Consumerism Commentary -- be sure to check it out.
Financial Page has a piece called SIMPLE IRA Transfers in which he describes why he is moving money from his SIMPLE IRA to his personal IRA.
Investorgeeks (cool name, there) schools us on the basics of bonds in Bonds, Part I: What are bonds?
MyMoneyBlog gives us Dollar Cost Averaging in Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum Investing, in which he shows that the conventional wisdom is not always right.
Finally, A Financial Revolution tells us some Signs of Creative Accounting. I've done some research in the area of earnings manipulation, and I can tell you, however, that it's extremely hard to spot which firms are manipulating earnings before the fact.
And now, back to the torturing of innocent data.